I'm Ashley, a freelance writer based in Toronto.
I’m interested in writing news stories, website copy, product descriptions, press releases and lifestyle and culture content.
While I appreciate simplicity, clarity, and collective adherence to orthography in news and copy, as an aesthete, I swoon over the modernist free-verse of e.e. cummings, marvel at the invented argot of Burgess's A Clockwork Orange, and feast on the whimsy, and ingenuity of works like Saunder’s Lincoln in the Bardo.
I believe words matter and that finding the right ones is a form of high art.
Freelance Writer
When I'm not copywriting and creating brand content I write wine reviews and poetry.
I’m currently writing my first novel and often lay awake at night thinking about the cover art and typeface.
As a kid I was often teased for using big words, now I lean into my polysyllabics and champion the value of abstract nouns like floccinaucinihilipilification.